1153 Madison
1153 Madison is a new holiday pop-up featuring three incredible female entrepreneurs – all inspired by the incredible matriarchs of their families.

My grandmother Mama Azam taught me to sew as soon as I could hold a A force of a woman, Mama Azam built a textile empire in Iran as a female entrepreneur, employing dozens of women as seamstresses, pattern makers, and tailors. She raised two daughters and seven grandchildren, survived two revolutions, and did it all in style.
GARIN is dedicated to preserving and expanding the legacy of this wonderful woman.

Inspired by the legacy of the family matriarch. My grandmother Sida, who survived the Holocaust, and channeled her strength into learning how to forge new narratives.
She took pride in her self care, and I am still taking notes from her today to this effect! SIDIA creates lifestyle essentials that liberate the senses.

We grew up in a family that always showed us the importance of giving back to the community.
With Misette, we want to bring everyone the joy of sitting down together around the table for a good meal.